
Results 11 issues of cjprybol

DataArrays and CategoricalArrays special case `similar` by initializing the values with `missing`, but default behavior in base is to initialize only the array, leaving `#undef`. How do we want to...

https://github.com/JuliaWeb/Requests.jl/issues/166 ```julia julia> using Requests julia> html = "https://github.com/johnmyleswhite/RDatasets.jl/raw/master/data/MASS/SP500.csv.gz" "https://github.com/johnmyleswhite/RDatasets.jl/raw/master/data/MASS/SP500.csv.gz" julia> Requests.read(get(html)) 24348-element Array{UInt8,1}: 0x1f 0x8b 0x08 0x08 0xc7 0x80 0xcb 0x52 0x02 0x03 0x53 0x50 0x35 0x30 0x30 0x2e...

Is there anything available for inferring the FASTA record type from the sequence? In earlier versions of FASTX I think this was done by default, and all of the records...

feature request

Hi @lh3, I'm using slices of NCBI's NT database for pacbio hifi read mapping. I noticed that the number of minimizers seems to have overflowed the integer count. Would you...

Adds nullable versions of nullable! for copies rather than inplace. Adds tests to check proper handling of CategoricalArrays. Adds a similar_nullable function that will check the size of the Array....

removes hcat and hcat!, append(!) now adds columns to end of DataTable, merge(!) concatenates DataTables horizontally, and vcat still concatenates vertically. append! and vcat no longer perform the same function....

Implements the suggestions made in https://github.com/JuliaData/DataTables.jl/issues/38#issuecomment-288556269.

AFAICT [`merge!`](https://github.com/JuliaData/DataTables.jl/blob/20c71d6d40b3b238e902189b8262ba2b2e679b31/src/datatable/datatable.jl#L660) and [`hcat!`](https://github.com/JuliaData/DataTables.jl/blob/20c71d6d40b3b238e902189b8262ba2b2e679b31/src/datatable/datatable.jl#L748) do the same thing. Should we export `hcat!` and deprecate `merge!`?

```julia # generate random 4bit sequence randseq_4bit = BioSequences.randdnaseq(300) @assert typeof(randseq_4bit) == BioSequences.LongDNA{4} # convert sequence to 2bit randseq_2bit = BioSequences.LongDNA{2}(randseq_4bit) @assert typeof(randseq_2bit) == BioSequences.LongDNA{2} @assert randseq_2bit == randseq_4bit #...

See current code at: https://github.com/BioJulia/Kmers.jl/blob/f7a1328a744e30840326943bcace9aa6590aba3c/src/kmer.jl#L329 Rationale at: https://github.com/BioJulia/BioSequences.jl/issues/268#issuecomment-1445913403 and candidate replacement capability at: https://github.com/BioJulia/BioSequences.jl/pull/269
