Christian Despres
Christian Despres
I tried to reproduce the `cmdLineTester_classesdbgddrext_1` failure from `job/Test_openjdk8_j9_extended.functional_ppc64le_linux_jit_Personal/261/` again, including running on the same machine, and I still can't reproduce it. I think it may just be highly intermittent.
From `job/Test_openjdk17_j9_sanity.functional_x86-64_linux_jit_Personal/191/`, failure in `cmdLineTester_getPid_0`, with output ``` cmdLineTester_getPid_0 Start Time: Sat Feb 19 02:32:37 2022 Epoch Time (ms): 1645266757691 variation: NoOptions JVM_OPTIONS: -XX:+UseJITServer *** Starting test suite: getPid test...
From `job/Test_openjdk11_j9_extended.functional_ppc64le_linux_jit_Personal/269/`, failure in `testSoftMxDisclaimMemory_3`. In addition, the build `job/Test_openjdk17_j9_extended.functional_x86-64_linux_jit_Personal/193/` has a failure in `testSoftMxDisclaimMemory_LP4k_3`. Both have been experienced before and are being tracked elsewhere. I suppose I'll not report...
From `job/Test_openjdk8_j9_extended.system_ppc64le_linux_jit_Personal/265/`, failure in `SharedClassesAPI_1`, with output ``` JVMT Sun Feb 20 02:26:54 2022 JVMT Incorrect number of caches found. Expected at least 4, found 2 JVMT Sun Feb 20...
From build `job/Test_openjdk8_j9_extended.functional_x86-64_linux_jit_Personal/274/`, failures in - `cmdLineTester_dumpromclasstests_0` - `cmdLineTester_pltest_j9sig_ext_0` - `testSCCMLTests4_0` - `cmdLineTester_shrcdbgddrext_0` - `testDDRExt_General_0` - `testDDRExt_Callsites_0` - `testDDRExt_JITExt_0` - `testDDRExtJunit_CollisionResilientHashtable_0` - `testDDRExtJunit_MonitorsAndDeadlock1_0` - `testDDRExtJunit_MonitorsAndDeadlock2_0` - `testDDRExtJunit_MonitorsAndDeadlock3_0` - `testDDRExtJunit_MonitorsAndDeadlock3_1` -...
From `job/Test_openjdk8_j9_extended.functional_ppc64le_linux_jit_Personal/271/`, failure in `cmdLineTester_fieldwatchtests_0`, with output: ``` Testing: fw001-5 Test start time: 2022/02/24 02:15:55 Pacific Standard Time Running command: "/home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk8_j9_extended.functional_ppc64le_linux_jit_Personal_testList_0/openjdkbinary/j2sdk-image/bin/java" -XX:+UseJITServer -Xdump -agentlib:jvmtitest=test:fw001 -XX:+JITInlineWatches -cp "/home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk8_j9_extended.functional_ppc64le_linux_jit_Personal_testList_0/aqa-tests/TKG/../../jvmtest/functional/cmdLineTests/jvmtitests/jvmtitest.jar" Time spent...
Very large number of test failures over the past few days. It will take a little while to sort through it all.
I've noticed that there's a large overlap between the failing tests and the ones in [this comment](, but that may just be coincidence? --- Edit: Even though there is such...
Two jobs had tests that all failed in the same way - the processes could not connect to a VM, as `Monitored VM not ready`, then eventually gave up and...
From `job/Test_openjdk17_j9_sanity.system_ppc64le_linux_jit_Personal/191/`, failures in - `TestJlmRemoteMemoryNoAuth_0` - `TestJlmRemoteNotifierProxyAuth_0` - `TestJlmRemoteThreadNoAuth_0` - `TestJlmRemoteThreadNoAuth_1` - `TestIBMJlmRemoteClassAuth_0` - `TestIBMJlmRemoteClassAuth_1` - `TestJlmRemoteClassAuth_1` These all fail in similar ways - the tests attempt to connect...