Christian Despres
Christian Despres
FSD is set in `feLatePostProcess`, I think. Is that called before the `fePostProcess` functions are?
Attn @mpirvu. The fix you suggested appears to work.
Oh, sure. I can make that change too. I only tried one of the failing tests (`DaaLoadTest_all_special_5m_18`) a few times as well, so I should probably grind the failing tests...
The failing tests on X all pass. I haven't tried power yet, but I doubt that will make a difference.
I haven't tested only the `startPC` part of it, only the heuristic change and both combined. I'll test the `startPC` part alone.
It appears to segfault still, but in a slightly different way: ``` DLT stderr Type=Segmentation error vmState=0x00050000 DLT stderr J9Generic_Signal_Number=00000018 Signal_Number=0000000b Error_Value=00000000 Signal_Code=00000001 DLT stderr Handler1=00007FF49897BC10 Handler2=00007FF498778E70 InaccessibleAddress=0000000000000008 DLT stderr...
I've updated the description, since #15601 is fixed by #15686.
Rebase this one on #15686?
Oh, I see that the other PR has been merged now.
Rebased onto master.