
Results 8 comments of cjdshaw

I have a couple of P100s, but they show up in my deviceList with base64 encoded aliases, and status as offline ``` { "error_code": 0, "result": { "deviceType": "SMART.TAPOPLUG", "role":...

Thanks guys, but I feel like I'm being stupid here @tnmendes: I've got the endpoints from that URL `{ "appServerUrl": "https://euw1-app-server.iot.i.tplinknbu.com", "cloudGatewayUrl": "euw1-app-cloudgateway.iot.i.tplinknbu.com", "securityServerUrl": "https://euw1-security.iot.i.tplinknbu.com" }` but any POST I...

@adumont Thanks. Time for me to jailbreak one of my iOS devices, I guess!

@spasea Charles works for local calls, but the Tapo and Kasa apps both seem to use certificate pinning for cloud calls. That means they check the certificate they get against...

@spasea That’s exactly what I’m trying to do, using cloud endpoints, not local network communication though. I’ve installed the Charles certificate and I can inspect https browser traffic, so everything...

Thanks guys. I remembered I had an old Kindle Fire, so I set that up with the Charles proxy and certificate. The Tapo app works fine through the proxy but...

Happy to run any tests necessary. At the moment, I get this: ``` tplink-smarthome-api search -D client.startDiscovery(): socket:message From: 9999 Message: {"system":{"get_sysinfo":{"err_code":0,"system":{"sw_ver":"2.3.3 Build 20200923 rel.52147","hw_ver":"2.0","model":"KC100(UN)","hwId":"xxxREDACTEDxxx","oemId":"xxxREDACTEDxxx","deviceId":"xxxREDACTEDxxx","dev_name":"Kasa Spot","c_opt":[0,1],"a_type":2,"type":"IOT.IPCAMERA","alias":"Kasa Spot Cam","mic_mac":"3C846A61xxxx","mac":"3C:84:6A:61:xx:xx","longitude":-0.00000,"latitude":0.00000,"rssi":-77,"system_time":1607860962,"led_status":"on","updating":false,"status":"configured","resolution":"1080P","camera_switch":"on","bind_status":true,"last_activity_timestamp":1607464542}}}} /usr/local/lib/node_modules/tplink-smarthome-api/lib/client.js:221...

The same goes for the right edge on landscape comic, so this is as far right as I can see on an iPhone 6 with a slight zoom in ![0423A56A-D572-426A-BEBE-07D5FF411DED](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/28117522/65450970-30cf4100-de36-11e9-9bbe-f5b6ef3fd11e.png)