@frne Did you correctly set up the worker script in `angular.json`? In your project setup do you have a `tsconfig.worker.json`? In `angular.json` you should have something similar to the following:...
> I'm having the same issue building a graph editor with Vue. Seems to be pointing to a worker file in the local development server > > > Failed to...
I'm not too familiar with `react-scripts`, but it's really strange that it works locally and not during CI. I'll try setting up a similar environment. In the meantime you can...
Oh, I get it. So you managed to make it work for now by ignoring the warnings. Not ideal, I'll definitely investigate the issue but can't promise anything for the...
Thanks a lot!
Did you have a look at https://github.com/memgraph/orb#development or run `install/build/serve` instinctively? The suggestion makes sense -> `npm run build` to both build and pack the library.