Circles Arrows
Circles Arrows
There is no officially supported way to do this for constraints with multiple properties, at least not for now. Though there is a fairly good workaround you could do to...
We did look at making an async API briefly but it seems to be deep reaching change and not a trivial thing to add. We do have ideas for adding...
We are currently working on upgrading Blueprint41 to have an async API. To be able support an async API we have to adjust some of the signatures/interfaces and decided to...
- _Is it possible to pass a transaction from one function to another, or one class to another?_ **Transactions are passed down the call tree. This means that functions you...
For your 1st comment, taking your example: ``` using(Blueprint41.Transaction.Begin(){ var movieObj=Movie.LoadByUid(uid); var movieDto = new MovieDTO(movie); } ``` OptmizeFor.RecursiveSubGraphAccess would work if you would do the following: ``` using(Blueprint41.Transaction.Begin(){ var...
> I am not even sure if my approach to representing relationships in the DTO is aligned with good practice. What are the best practices for representing relationships in the...