Jiri Cincura ↹

Results 65 issues of Jiri Cincura ↹

For example this ``` await using (var test = ...) { } ``` with `ConfigureAwait(false)` will result in `test` being `ConfiguredAsyncDisposable` type.

And also next transaction ID, which is new in FB4.

Is there a way to import asynchronous delegates into `ScriptObject`? Something like: ```csharp var scriptObject = new ScriptObject(); scriptObject.Import("foobar", (Func)...); ``` The reason I'm asking is because I have a...


I'm trying to convert all single quotes left after _SmartyPants_ extension into `’` (`’`), but I'm failing. Whenever I introduce some `LiteralInline` into `processor` while in `Match` method, I erase...



component: ado.net provider
type: new feature

component: ado.net provider
type: new feature

component: ado.net provider
type: new feature