
Results 10 comments of cimchd

Same problem here. I get the following warning in the console: ``` runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:38 [Vue warn]: Component is missing template or render function. at [...] ``` I have an es modules...

Additional info to this request. Vite provides a warning in esm projects with SSR: ``` vite v2.7.2 building SSR bundle for production... @fortawesome/fontawesome-pro is incorrectly packaged. Please contact the package...

> A workaround until the packages are shipped as esm is to fix it in the vite config. > > In SvelteKit, edit `svelte.config.js` and add `'@fortawesome/*'` to `kit.vite.ssr.noExternal` >...

I encountered the same problem when I tried to add custom duotone icons.

> how to deal with it..... At the moment the best workaround is probably to downgrade to vite 2.x

I had the same problem. It was caused by a wrong dependency entry in the package.json of a package where I had the package itself as a dependency: ```JS //...

> I'm also encountering same issue to workaround > > (for EX: in my case, i'd like to external react/react-dom) > > * set resolve.alias > > ``` > {...

I am experiencing the same problem. With esbuild I had a 1,6MB bundled output file. With bun it's almost twice the size at 2.7MB. Were you able to solve your...

Same problem here, but no solution yet...

We have the same problem. Since almost 3 month now we are stuck to using zod in version 3.21.1. We put a resolutions entry at the top of our monorepo:...