Paolo Cignoni
Paolo Cignoni
All filters should be bool and return false (and put an error message somewhere) if they are not able to perform the task.
We should definitely have it. In the Color dialog of the rendering tab there should be something to show the name of the file of the texture and the possibility...
For all the parameters there should be a boolean option advanced (default false) that specifies that this specific parameter is an advanced one and should be visualized only on explicit...
Currently the path is: 1) cpp create a vector from the mesh 2) layer.js copy this vector into a threejs array of `THREE.Vector3` 3) Threejs move this array internally into...
Understand how much allow memory growth impacts on performance also together with double based meshes...
When a new mesh is opened the rendering mode should be adequate to it. For example for a point cloud we should switch to point rendering mode. If the mesh...
A link to the jsdoc generated documentation should be present also in the webapp
glTF - the runtime asset format for WebGL, OpenGL ES, and OpenGL.
An overlay that show on the 3D screen geometric info on the mesh (bbox size, volume, surface area, center of mass)
Just like in MeshLab and in SketchFab doubleclick shoudl move trackball origin into the clicked point