@ml930310 I have met the same problem. It shows epoch 01 : 7/994 lr : le-03 1.1Hz...It's too low. Have you sloved it?
I am the same as you, but maybe the only difference is that I eval on a single GPU. And I get 31.137 mAP.
> Epoch: [0][50125/50134] data_time: 0.005, batch time: 0.083 class_error: 99.894, loss: 147.424, loss_bbox: 0.738, loss_giou: 0.835, loss_ce: 1.515, loss_ce_b: 1.093 > > {'PascalBoxes_Precision/[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])': 0.00011119179516651725, 'PascalBoxes_PerformanceByCategory/[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])/bend/bow (at the waist)': 0.0001111917951665172 5}...
> > > Epoch: [0][50125/50134] data_time: 0.005, batch time: 0.083 class_error: 99.894, loss: 147.424, loss_bbox: 0.738, loss_giou: 0.835, loss_ce: 1.515, loss_ce_b: 1.093 > > > {'PascalBoxes_Precision/[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])': 0.00011119179516651725, 'PascalBoxes_PerformanceByCategory/[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])/bend/bow (at the...