Michael Griffiths

Results 16 comments of Michael Griffiths

Looks like [CLJ-1161](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJ-1161) will be fixed in 1.8, so we should look into this again.

One question is at what time we should capture the values of `System/out` and `System/err`. Load-time? When the server starts? If other tools (e.g. log4j) also call `setOut` and `setErr`...

Can the eliding phase be separated from the printing phase? So that, for example, other middleware/ops could inspect and use the elided value? Or a custom pretty printer could be...

We can definitely mirror the contextual completion in ns declarations (see [ns_mappings.clj](https://github.com/alexander-yakushev/compliment/blob/master/src/compliment/sources/ns_mappings.clj) in compliment). It'll take a bit of tweaking since `ns` is a little different in Clojurescript, but it's...

I actually have a [branch](https://github.com/cichli/cljs-tooling/commit/352f42cd2c459d7bc0a98b0a6ec7e76377cce911) with flx-like fuzzy completion (using [Damerau-Levenshtein](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damerau%E2%80%93Levenshtein_distance) and [a QuickSilver-like algorithm](https://github.com/rmm5t/liquidmetal)) - the problem I encountered is that emacs has [`completion-styles`](http://www.masteringemacs.org/article/what-is-new-in-emacs-24-part-1#completion) now, so a lot of...

I will work on the ns-form / locals contextual completion, though :-).

@bbatsov I'll rebase the fuzzy-completion branch once #16 is merged.

For the JVM side we can implement this once [CLJS-1047](https://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJS-1047) is done. Feel free to vote on that ticket if you're registered on JIRA. I'm not sure what makes most...

Including conversation from Slack for more context: ``` cichli [2:07 PM] Thanks, that's enough for me to replicate - I'll take a look this evening :simple_smile: ​[2:08] I ​_think_​ the...

Bear in mind that single-segment namespaces are strongly advised-against as they cause issues with AOT and JVM interop.