
Results 6 issues of sath000007

# In this continuation, The code defines the `load_img` function with a context manager to open the image file. It also continues the `DeepFloydDataFiltering` class and the test function. The...

## Description This pull request updated `` and added `requirements.txt` files to the latest versions of the Python packages. ## Changes - Added the `requirements.txt` file to the latest versions...

## Description This pull request updates the `requirements.txt` and `` files to the latest versions of the Python packages. ## Changes - Updated the `requirements.txt` file to the latest versions...

### **1 st changes** - In this modified code, the `spacy_version` variable is used to store the version of the `SpaCy` library. Inside the loop, the code checks whether the...

Updated `requirements.txt`

## First I tried to run `>python -m class_photo --all` ``` (.venv) F:\open Source\class-photo-master>python -m class_photo --all File "F:\open Source\class-photo-master\class_photo\", line 9, in bot = commands.Bot('-cp') ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TypeError: BotBase.__init__() missing...