Ciaran Courtney

Results 21 comments of Ciaran Courtney

Run it again with arg `-vvv` to get a stacktrace, my bets on a sqlite bug I've encountered before Failing that, obviously supply your env details

I ended up using this snippet in my settings import warnings # warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message="No request passed to the backend", category=UserWarning)

Just add this to the DockerFile after the "RUN apt-get install -q -y python-pip" line ``` RUN pip install -U pip ```

I got an error on Python 3.8 for script above, didn't happen in 3.6, not sure what cause is: ```bash File "/opt/master/src/app/migrations/", line 22, in import_djcelery_data for key,value in old_datum.items():...

I'm having the same issue, although I'm only testing the time feature. Is it possible tempo timesheets would interfere with native jira time logs?

Just encountered this issue when adding mirage as a test in these benchmarking trials Is there any workaround?

Hi @SGrondin I resolved my crash issues by combing 2 workarounds actually

@lefterisnik I did try change the django template, although its not an officially 'override-able' template, so it would be difficult to maintain between versions

@sethmlarson how are you installing VirtualBox? As far as I can see all the latest ppa/deb install methods only install with Python 2.7 bindings incl buster (which I thought dropped...

I tried dropping `` from the EL8 rpm beside `` but I still get the same error `Cannot find VBoxPython module (tried: VBoxPython3_6m, VBoxPython3m, VBoxPython)`, even when removing the `m`...