The last modified date is different from the "Get Info" of Finder , the file download URL: You can try this by yourself.
Unarchiver (downloaded from App Store) extract with errors. ...are 3 text files and to the extract they`re mixed in one file without extension.
I use the API "extractEntryWithDictionary" of XADUnarchiver to extract one item, for other formats it works well, but for tart.gz file, it works error. For example, there is one txt...
Hello, Please check: I can reproduce this bug with last version too.
Hello, unar fails to extract files from a LHA archive embedded into an .exe file. This time it's the Spear of Destiny demo available here: Steps to reproduce: $...
**Matt Sephton ([gingerbeardman](**: This feature is great and really useful for me. But it misses some files. Please see output from CrystalTile2 which sees files in FSI.CT area. The file...
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 360 **tim.veridical**: ``` Hi! Love Unarchiver! Could you add supprt for TNEF winmail.dat files (, created by Outlook? ``` * *Attachment: [winmail.dat](*
**Dag Ågren ([DagAgren](**: Apparently, OS X stores compiled resources in .car files, which look fairly simple. It might be interesting to be able to extract useful data from them.
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 823 **josh.jpenguin**: ``` zpaq is a Public Domain format ```
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 723 **mikerich88**: ``` I have a sitx file that was created several years ago, which contains a Mac OS 9 System Folder. Stuffit...