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Add support for winmail.dat / TNEF files?
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 360
Love Unarchiver!
Could you add supprt for TNEF winmail.dat files (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Neutral_Encapsulation_Format),
created by Outlook?
* *Attachment: [winmail.dat](https://storage.googleapis.com/google-code-attachments/theunarchiver/issue-360/comment-0/winmail.dat)*
Andrew Wolfe (SchemaCzar):
Just got an email with one of these guys in it. I'm voting for TNEF/Winmail formats... And yes, I know that one implementation is GPL but there must be others and it should also be possible to build one's own.
The Unarchiver is LGPL, not GPL. And due to the design of XADMaster and the fact that
it runs on many operating systems under various configurations, external binaries are
really not an option.
The Unarchiver is also under GPL. What’s the problem?
When GPL is a really problem, you can add the tnef binary and call it from your code.
Unfortunately, it is GPL, therefore unusable.
My suggestion: Use the code from http://sourceforge.net/projects/tnef/
Wicked, thanks again
Well, I guess I will at least have a look to see how complicated it would be, and if
it's worth it, when I get back to adding some more formats.
Forgot to link this, there's more info than you could possibly ever want about this
subject in this Mozilla Mail/Thunderbird bug that is still open 10 years later:
If it helps, this commonly happens when receiving attachments from people who are using
Outlook and have it set to produce "rich text" email messages rather than "HTML." It's
not too much of a problem "in the wild," as most people don't use Outlook for their
personal email, but it can be a problem when receiving email from companies where the
issue of having Outlook misconfigured is company-wide.
The right course of action, of course, would be to email back saying that you can't
open the attachment and ask the person to configure their client right or call their
company's help desk to fix it for them, but that's not always an option...
I regularly receive these attachments from outlook users... I've tried to guide colleagues
away from sending in this format, but it seems that there are several conditions which
may trigger their generation (rather than attachments being sent transparently with
the email). Wikipedia mentions choosing RTF as the email format, and certain security
conditions as triggers.
given that i trust theunarchiver to handle all my archives, it would mean a lot to
me to have this annoying, recalcitrant format handled as part of my normal workflow.
there are a few apps out there which handle tnef files (i use TNEF's enough), but it
requires launching, then opening the file, then selecting and saving the contents one-by-one!!
thanks so much for the quick reply, and thanks for an awesome app - its been invisibly
taking care of business for years, now!
Regards, Tim, Melbourne
It looks like it shouldn't be too hard to do, however, the question is how useful it
would be in general. I'm not familiar with the format - under which circumstances would
a user encounter it?