**Alexandru Doda ([AlexandruDoda](**: Hey, As of our last email, here is my suggestion of *implementing support for .wpress* files. There is already a script available here: [](Link URL) which can...
**Elvis Angelaccio ([eang](**: Hi, on my Linux distro (archlinux) I need to use the following patch to fix the build: Is there a reason why NATIVE_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS is not passed...
**Hanno Böck**: The Makefile.linux contains a direct call to "make". One shouldn't do that, instead the correct way is to use the variable $(MAKE). See attached patch. This avoids make...
**Dag Ågren ([DagAgren](**:
**test12345 ([kerberos1](**: Trying to unzip a file, keep getting this error. Password for archive: stw Made with betterzip.
**Zero King**: ``` $ lsar Xcode_8.xip Xcode_8.xip: XAR Content Archive parsing failed! (Data is corrupted.) ```
I just downloaded the Java EE version of eclipse neon ( and it was delivered as a tar.gz file. Double clicking it launched the unarchiver and it seemed to work...
A few weeks back I downloaded an update of my car`s navigation database. When unzipping the 7zip file I noticed that in an unarchived file the slashes were replaced by...
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 716 **Jannejt**: ``` Hi! I have a mounted network drive on my osx under /Volumes, but if I check from activity monitor, unrarring...
I would be nice to add support to legacy HFS volumes. For example, after you unar [this file]( you will get Fonts.image, which is a 1.44Mb DiskCopy floppy image. I...