
Results 5 comments of chukwu

I think what he means is for pages lazy loaded with its ngModules, your directive or component breaks. As of today, with Ionic 3.5.3 it fails to support [email protected] for...

Tried that!!! Doesn't work!!!! Added IonicImageViewerModule to both AppModule and PageModule. No errors, no result, no console log. Reinstalled it!!! Nothing!!! Have you tested it recently?

Any solution to this? Its really a huge demand. I'm facing a major problem with this.

A workaround to this might be to reiterate the return collection and thereby use LINQ collection methods such as Take() or Select() to re-filter but this also fails. Binding to...

@ransoing .... I'll try this. If it works, then I'm all set for migration. It actually looks easier this way than IONIC 3. The next big thing would be to...