
Results 14 comments of chui2ch

DS4 Controller Controller ID: 2508 B3=Square B2=Triangle B1=Circle B0=X B8=Share B9=Options B4=Left Bunmper B5=Right Bumper B10=PS button B6=Left Trigger B7=Right Trigger B11=L3 B12=R3

Logitech F310 Controller ID: 49693 B2=X B3=Y B1=B B0=A B4=Left Bumper B5=Right Bumper Z-=Left Trigger R-=Right Trigger B6=Back B7=Start B8=Logitech button B9=L3 B10=R3

When I went to do this with a DS3 it shows the number as just 1. Does that seem correct?

F310 LS left=X- LS Up=Y- LS Down=Y+ LS Right=X+ RS Left=U- RS Up=v- RS Down=v+ RS Right=U+ DPL=PX- (up and left on the dpad are registering as the same thing)...

DS4 LSL=X- LSR=X+ LSU=Y- LSD=Y+ RSL=U- RSR=U+ RSU=V- RSD=V+ DPL=PX-(dpad left and up are detected as the same) DPR=PX+ DPU=PX- DPD=PY+

The DS3 is connected through bluetooth. It may need to detect the id in a different way. Also do you want Xbox one bindings?

Sorry I have not had a chance to sit down and map out the xbox controller yet. It does not detect the correct buttons. I did test the game with...

When I say say they are not correct I mean that you said you had the bindings in for the xbox controllers, but it appears that the configuration did not...

Xbox One Controller Gamepad ID=733 B3=Y B2=X B1=B B0=A B6=Back B7=Menu/Start B9=L3 B10=R3 B4=Left Bumper B5=Right Bumper B8=Xbox Button Left Trigger=Z- Right Trigger=R- Left Stick L=X- R=X+ U=Y- D=Y+ Right...

So for the most part the xbox bindings are correct. The Dpad up and Dpad down are flipped. I changed the configuration for dpap up to be down and dpad...