Igor Chubin
Igor Chubin
Zwei Monde am Himmel sehen ein bisschen strange aus :) Das ist wie in 1Q84 von Murakami :)
Now it works, though slowly, but it works now. May I use your data, by the way, if I will create something of the sort? I will not focus on...
Wow, it is really cool. You did so much work! It is impressive. As far as I understand, GTFS could be a really good starting point, and probably in many...
Yes, this is very important and very interesting. I think we should definitely add them. Do we have some good "entry" server for that? (not web)
It's not yet implemented, but it will be implemented soon (on this weekend I hope). It's one of the most wanted features. Stay tuned!
That's true. Thank you for upping it
I think that offline is better. Internal mirror is another option, but it is possible already. We (me and @akaguny) have meant offline usage here
@giraldeau Yes, it is true. We are trying to mitigate the high load problem currently. I think it will be fixed soon.
@brandonpittman We will fix the capacity problem (I hope so) and we will be able to handle such a load. The offline feature is very useful still, for one of...
@brandonpittman @giraldeau The capacity problem is fixed (hopefully). The service is still experiencing high load, but now it is working stable. Please try your queries now, they should work. Now...