Chris Waigl
Chris Waigl
N_GEO_Ref nodes are empty when layers are embedded (no external georeference files). This leads to AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'nodeType' from xml.dom.minidom.
Change NBR and NDVI methods to use, by default, the reflectances of the respective bands. Leave the option to use DN. Maybe add option to use radiance?
OGR is a pain to use to access features. Rewrite, including tests (expand).
Get all code in shape for py3 readiness with pylint.
p3readiness: need to be able to test better. Make test data for: - Landsat - HDF5 - HDF4 SMALL files, with all the metadata.
In, NetCDF class with basic functionality: Data access, lat, long.
Methods/properties on GeoTIFF class may be presuming the scene is located in the northern hemisphere. Check.