Christopher Smith

Results 47 issues of Christopher Smith

I'm compiling a LESS overlay for Bootstrap that just needs to refer to a few of the variables, like the grid size. I'm using Webjars to grab the Bootstrap source...

Resilience4j version: 1.7.0 I am using Vavr throughout my application, and I have a functional interface of `Try send(Message m)`. In my current code, I'm calling `Try.success(...).map(...).flatMap(sender::send)`, and I'd like...


#### Summary When comparing values, AssertJ takes a very strong opinion that the objects are defined by their _fields_, which is contrary to general Java best practice and makes testing...

type: enhancement
theme: recursive comparison

The ability to use `registerDynamicHelper` to map class methods onto helpers is extremely helpful, but currently the method name is used with no ability to customize, and all helper methods...

The DynamoDB Enhanced client, when building a `TableSchema.fromClass`, lists the properties and then tries to map them onto DynamoDB attributes. However, the code as it currently stands is incompatible with...


The `Context` and `AbstractContext` classes maintain a `Map` for the context variables, and the signatures on the constructors and `setVariables` methods are `Map`. However, the only actions taken by these...


When using either `encrypt` and specifying `path` or using `encrypt-value` (where no path should be necessary), the Maven plugin always fails because `file:./src/main/resources` does not exist. This seems to be...

As a followup to #430, while using global setup such as `Twilio.init` is ordinary practice in some languages, it is contrary to Java standard practices and substantially interferes in standard...

type: twilio enhancement
status: help wanted

This is probably related to #421 but is a distinct failure case. I have a small utility library called [GroovyBeans Toolkit]( (updated name as I finally got it pushed to...


I have an interface that has a default method overload that can transform an instance of any sort of `bar` (in this case, message format) into a canonical format for...