I agree the documentation could be improved. I get an error when I want to insert an ad in the category `Auto, Rad & Boot/Fahrräder & Zubehör/Zubehör/Rennräder` Category -> (Auto,...
I'm using [Installation from source]( and Python 3.10.2 and the CLI. I cloned the newest repo. pdm run app version prints `0.1.dev72+gc62528f` I'm not sure if this is the newest...
Thanks for the hint. I already did `git pull` (on the `main` branch) but not `pdm sync`. After running both. I get the new version: ``` pdm run app version...
I tried: ``` > git fetch > git reset origin/main --hard > pdm sync > pdm run app version Running : ['python', '-m', 'kleinanzeigen_bot', 'version'] 0.1.dev113+g8b9169d ``` and publishing works...
I'll remove the release milestone from the meta issue, as the sub-issues are tracked and discussions are still ongoing.
I'm unsure whether I understand the goal of the issue. It seems you want to be able to make the statement: >> We want to add the axiom: exogenous data...
This issue seems close to implementation. Summary: Agreement seems to be reached about: - data format _A data format is a data descriptor that specifies the structure in which the...
I'm fine not recycling the old IRI's and ID's. New OEO versions often lack backward compatibility that the benefit of not breaking the two concepts appears disproportionate. I personally prefer...
From the dev meeting: According to OBO best-practices classes/individuals are declared obsolete. This should have been done instead of deleting it. We didn't know what the decision in the OEO...
Sorry I meant the release meeting today! We just talked about it before starting the release.