Chang-Rong Xue | 薛长荣

Results 7 issues of Chang-Rong Xue | 薛长荣

Lots of ORM framework like use `struct` to represent database table. It would be handy if there is a function to convert `struct` directly to `sql.Table` and we don't...


**Describe the solution you'd like** A clear and concise description of what you want to happen. Sync the content to the specified card fields in anki like "explaination", "answer" **Describe...


It seems that the bracket comment is still not supported, maybe we can add this feature? Thanks in advance! [screenshot](

I found that every time I log in using sugar-dark, the first letter of my username is capitalized. Is it possible to cancel this feature in the `theme.conf` ? Thank...

Hi, I found that `\entry`, `\entrymid`, `\entrybig` cannot align: Test Code: ```LaTeX \section{Education} \outerlist{ \entrybig {\textbf{ETH Zurich}}{Zurich, CH} {M.S. in Computer Science, GPA: 5.63/6.00}{2018\textendash 2020} \entrymid{1}{2020}{3} \entry{1 \hfill 2020} }...

Hi! Recently I implemented a table with stopwatches inside. The effects can be seen as follows: I believe it would be great that it appears in the examples to...

**Describe the Bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. I was developing on a CentOS 7 whose git version is 1.8.*. Then I built a git...
