Chris Marx

Results 20 issues of Chris Marx

They're doable through typeorm, this would save me from hand coding a fair number of rest endpoints. I think sum, avg, count, min, max would probably cover most of the...

good first issue :+1:
PRs open

- **I'm submitting a ...** [ ] bug report [ x ] feature request [ ] question about the decisions made in the repository [ ] question about how to...

Hi, not sure if there is a better place to ask this, but I've been enjoying using dataforge, except that joining together multiple dataframes and selecting all columns becomes very...

I'm coming from this generator: And I love that it automatically generates the test file for the component-


When I use the svg renderer, all the geometries look crisp on my retina display. But if I switch to canvas, the points and lines all look a little blurry....


This one really stumped me at first. I unfortunately don't have a link to share to replicate, but I can work on that if others are finding this a problem...

I'm guessing this has something to do with leaflet itself, does anyone know if this plugin would address the problem?

I'm guessing more people would use this if there were typescript types either in the project or generated in @types-

I'm attempting to use the node-postgres library from pixiedust_node. The following simple setup fails: ``` import pixiedust_node npm.install(('node-fetch', 'pg')) ``` ```javascript var { Pool } = require('pg'); var pool =...

Given that all the point intersection queries are executed with srid of 3857: A standard spatial index on the point geometry column won't be used (unless maybe the points...