
Results 8 comments of chriswue

Ok, I suspected as much since the issue relating to the implementation of the RETAIN flag mentioned that AMQP has no concept of it. I guess a way to do...

@cegraybl sorry for the delay on this, will circle back to this soon-ish

Mapael does this: for (; i < opt.deletePlotKeys.length; i++) { if (self.plots[opt.deletePlotKeys[i]] !== undefined) { fnRemoveElement(self.plots[opt.deletePlotKeys[i]]); delete self.plots[opt.deletePlotKeys[i]]; } } So you need to pass the old keys as an...

@terencet-dev @cegraybl Bicep: ``` resource container_registry 'Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries@2022-02-01-preview' = { name: 'testcr${uniqueString('scope-mapbug-test')}' location: resourceGroup().location sku: { name: 'Premium' } properties: { adminUserEnabled: false dataEndpointEnabled: true publicNetworkAccess: 'Enabled' networkRuleBypassOptions: 'AzureServices' zoneRedundancy: 'Disabled'...

@ansd So the functionality of delivering retained messages to clients that were never subscribed before now actually works?

Hm, indeed - double checking the bicep documentation for `scopeMaps` does include the `repositories` prefix. I suppose it wasn't entirely clear to me what the significance was. The ARM error...

This request has 50 upvotes by now - not sure what the threshold is for a notable feature request?