in the datasheet is more friction lower value ...0 is stall "A higher value means lower mechanical load. A value of 0 signals highest load" thats from the datasheet
perhaps we can somehow auto calibrate it. so that in works on different machines
i have also only the chinese version ...but i think prusa too ;-) i will test it
i have no capacitors on my hc595 .. thats the test of your firmware i made a branch with stallguard enabled on my repository perhaps you can test it...
Sorry for the late reply. No This fixes the issues that are written in the first post. the noisy homing is the idler, as the idler turns too slow stallguard...
Hi, the stall detection is not implemented on the idler , because it doesnt work with the current settings. to get stall detection working with the 2130 you need to...
the sequence i proposed makes only sense if stallguard is working. its working on the selector. i made a lot of tests with stallguard also with different speeds . yes...
also ther is a bug in the firmware that if you once loaded a filament it never unloads in the eeprom and you get the idler homing on power on...
my pull request has the same loud startup sequence .....sorry 74hc595 thats a shift register and it used for the leds and the enable and direction signals for the stepper....
sg=0 highest load (stall) i used 0 to disable it you can use 1 if it doesnt work try changing #define TMC2130_SG_THR_2 10 in config.h lower value means more sensitive......