Stripe recommends saving webhook data to db since Stripe only saves event data for 30 days `api/src/functions/stripeWebhook`
Change the auth pages to use Button components and the colour theme. css variables can be found in index.css
Use webhooks to send customer an email after transaction
- Show Add to Cart button on hover of product - Show description on hover
- [ ] Setup styling tools (e.g. Pollen, Open Props) - UI - [ ] Buttons - [ ] Typography - [ ] Cards - [ ] Wrappers
- Create object for checkout mutation (`StripeCheckoutParamsInput`) in schema ```js gql` mutation Checkout( $params: StripeCheckoutParamsInput ) { checkout(params: $params) { id url } } ` ``` - use `...restParams` in...
**v1 is out 🚀!!!** v1 was essentially the MVP. Next leg emphasis is on improving already existing features and adding Stripe Elements and a Paystack integration. ## Roadmap for next...
Scaffold out code to help users add webhook event data to events because Stripe only stores that data for 30 days
Add `subscriptions` to `` accessible from `useStripeCustomer` React hook. `subscriptions` would list subscriptions active to customer. ```js import { useStripeCustomer } from '@redwoodjs-stripe/web' ... const { subscriptions } = useStripeCustomer()...