ui-router-extras copied to clipboard
THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED -- Extras for UI-Router for AngularJS. Sticky States (a.k.a. parallel states), Deep State Redirect (for tab-like navigation), Future States (async state definitio...
I try to load `ui-router-extras` in angular and get this error: ``` javascript Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module mainApp due to: Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module {}...
I would like to dynamically create states while some static states already exist. I am following the provided [example](https://github.com/christopherthielen/ui-router-extras/tree/gh-pages/example/future) but still have no clue how to make it fit in...
Not really an issue, but a question. I'm using a kendo listview control and am trying to do a refresh() on it in the onReactivate if they successfully performed a...
Hello, On version 0.1.0 I'm having a problem with the sticky states. Problem: I have 2 screens, one summary and one detail. (in the plunk these are really dumb to...
Hello. I have forked this repository to show a problem I do not know how to solve. In that page ( http://graundas.github.io/ui-router-extras/example/dsr/ OR http://graundas.github.io/ui-router-extras/example/sticky/ ) drill down through the Personnel...
Hello, yes this is no issue, but I thought, since the official documentation and examples are kind of hard to get the hang of, I could provide a (maybe) easier...
It would be nice to have an option that would seamlessly persist the DSR states to local or session storage. This would allow an application to "remember" the most recently...
If the property params is not set to true, dsr is unusable for a dynamic lists since toParams are ignored on the transition. I have a list of elements and...
Hi, 2 versions to my problem: 1. The short - I use "ui-sref" in one of my sticky views. When I navigate to a view which is not nested in...
Hello, when a user refreshes the site where a modal is shown (like in your example) and closes the modal, the previous state won't be displayed and the console throws...