ui-router-extras copied to clipboard
THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED -- Extras for UI-Router for AngularJS. Sticky States (a.k.a. parallel states), Deep State Redirect (for tab-like navigation), Future States (async state definitio...
I ran into an issue where ui-router was throwing a "State [name] is already defined" error. In trying to figure out why there was an attempt to redefined the same...
Can someone explain me why Angular UI Router Extras addition trigger twice (on init!) $stateChangeStart event in case when i have some async ajax check and e.preventDefault() call? Short event...
I have location: false set on a lot of my routes through `ui-sref-opts` or as on option on $state.go(). No matter what I try it the url does indeed change...
I am using ui-router-extras extensively but still not sure if I am getting the most out of it . I have used Future States to build the routes in runtime...
In my current project, we are trying to achieve pinterest like modal behavior with the help of sticky states but we are running into problems specifically when we use resolve...
I simplify the plunker of #265 blow. http://plnkr.co/edit/tQlbI7cD39B5EjWhs9u9?p=preview > Problem: I have 2 screens, one summary and one detail. (in the plunk these are really dumb to illustrate the problem)....
Can you use ng-animate-ref to animate transitions between an active visible sticky state and an inactive hidden sticky state? I've tried implementing it and failed. Does it not work because...
created a link of future state ; lets say : #/some2 when i give this url to someone else it doesn't work because future states were not loaded with $http;...
Hi, Do you know if the latest release is compatible with the ui-router 1.0.0 code base? More specifically, I am getting an exception when registering future states: Error: Couldn't determine...
This is a feature request, not a bug. Could you make $futureStateProvider.futureState() chainable by returning the $futureStateProvider from the futureState method? For example: ``` this.futureState = function (futureState) { if...