ui-router-extras copied to clipboard
Compatibility with new ui-router 1.0.0
Do you know if the latest release is compatible with the ui-router 1.0.0 code base?
More specifically, I am getting an exception when registering future states:
Error: Couldn't determine parent state of future state. FutureState:{"stateName":"main.foo","urlPrefix":"/foo","type":"ocLazyLoad","module":"foo","name":"main.foo","url":"^/foo"}
angular: 1.5.0 ui-router: 1.0.0-alpha.4 ui-router-extras: 0.1.2
$stateProvider.state('main', {
abstract : true,
url : '/main',
controller : require('../controllers/mainController'),
controllerAs : '$ctrl',
template : require('text!../templates/mainTemplate.html'),
'name' : 'main.foo',
'url' : '/foo',
'type' : 'ocLazyLoad',
'module' : 'foo'
'name' : 'main.bar',
'url' : '/bar',
'type' : 'ocLazyLoad',
'module' : 'bar'
This code was working fine against ui-router 0.2.15
future states are not compatible with ui-router 1.0, sorry.
UI-Router 1.0 final will probably be released without any future states support. I'd like to bake something like future states (but better, simpler) into a ui-router release after 1.0
@christopherthielen any update on this? I was super-excited to include lazy-load modules/future states in my app and BAM.... do you think that we some work is possible to make future states with parents working also with ui-router 1.0?
p.s. future states without parents are working with [email protected].
BTW thx a lot for your awesome modules.
See https://github.com/christopherthielen/ui-router-extras/issues/336
:+1: For me this one can be closed. Looking forward for ui-router 1.0 next releases! Thanks.