Christian Wiegand

Results 14 issues of Christian Wiegand

Added german translation

To make them optional in form, the blank=True option should be added. Can you confirm that? I could send a post request for that

Object will be deleted, but the redirection to the views success_url doesn't work. Instead you get a warning ``` python3.10/site-packages/django/views/generic/ DeleteViewCustomDeleteWarning: DeleteView uses FormMixin to handle POST requests. As a...

Added general localization ability and a german locale Open: Localization should be documented in the guides.

Since all actively supported versions of django rely on path instead of url it seems reasonable to import path.

If I override the post method of the BSDeleteModal class to handle a ProtectedError (because a foreign key is still pointing to the object that should be deleted), the success...


Hi, was missing the actual template tags and filters docs. They are listed but no content shows up. In older versions one could click on the topics and expand the...

Make the request admin a little bit more responsive, i.e. the flot charts

There are some minor css issues: - the horizontal filter widget css makes the widget too small - there's no css for the new autocomplete widgets (select2)