Christian Wiegand

Results 16 comments of Christian Wiegand

Hi, stumbled over this problem too and solved it by subclassing the django-request middleware to update the REMOTE_ADDR request header. You can find the middleware file here: In default...

Sorry to say, updated to 2.1.2, but this issue still appears. After copying the unminified version to the minified the error is gone. Before that i deleted the browser cache,...

As you can see [here]( ), the "providing_args" parameter has never had a real functionality, so you can simply omit it or move the information to a comment, like so:...

You need to create the proper environment: Create a virtual environment and install the depended python modules ("pip install -r requirements.txt"). Have a look at the Makefile, you also have...

It's a little bit late and I don't know if this is still relevant, but you can add the avatar to your admin list like so: ``` from avatar.templatetags.avatar_tags import...

Your problem will vanish as soon as this is merged: I don't think the request context processor as anything to do with this. A workaround would be to install...