Christian Reiss
Christian Reiss
Hey folks, what fsid= would I specify in the /etc/exports file to export a mounted acd_cli directory? Without the fsid the nfs-server would deny exporting it at all. Supplying a...
Hey folks, (Naturally) I am using my clouddrive from several locations simultaneously. Mostly read-only but as it is the nature of cloud storage writes are inevitable. Turns out that new...
Hey folks, I am using the master version of the git doing a local mount. I am not doing any fancy stuff (rsync); this use case is most of the...
Hey folks, Two suggestions, one topic: Caching. I am using my CloudDrive (Amazon) as a store-backend for my linxu based sat receiver. The box records shows and rsyncs them in...
So I have been playing with this for two days now. It looks like it can do what I want, which basically is to have - Start increasing brightness and...
Hey! Great job! :) In the times of CloudDrives this will be very handy-- and is. Would it be possible to add a switch to make backfs cache entire files...
Hey folks, with my current setup I regularily get "HTTP Error 429 - Too Many Requests. Sleeping for 65725 seconds and will retry". I only have a dishwasher and a...
## Describe the bug The states of operations states seem to be weird in 1.1.7 is weird. I did a fresh installation (removed all Home Connect and Home Connect Alt...