Dear Chi Liu, I tried it again and seemed to have worked. However, I still cannot figure out how to save these plots from the plot_sum_links function. I am liking...
Ok noted. On a separate note, I am finding the plot_taxa_roles(use_type = 2) very useful. I accessed the data table to understand the variables and understand that the p and...
Dear Chi Liu,1) Thank you for sending the reference to paper. However, I am still struggling to find the information on how the P and Z scores were derived for...
Dear Chi Liu, Thank you for your response. this has clarified and your publication on has the required description.
Dear @ChiLiubio , Thank you very much for your help on the matter.
Dear @ChiLiubio , I followed as you suggested but I run into an error at the last step while calculating links: "Error in data.frame(t(sapply(1:ecount(network), function(x) ends(network, : arguments imply differing...
Dear @ChiLiubio , Sorry for the delay. I also encountered a few other problems with other functions so I have consolidated then and listing it here. # 1) Unable to...
Dear @ChiLiubio , sorry about providing wrong files. Attaching the new ones here. []( []( []( Let me know if these are ok.
@ChiLiubio, Thank you for your help. It is all solved now. However, I am still struggling to adjust the font size on the circos plot while plotting the sum_links. Also,...
Thank you so much and will wait for your update to the package.