Christoph Portmann
Christoph Portmann
hey thanks for the contribution! :) I believe the condition is correct, as it skips items that have a rank bigger than 300, so only considering top 300 n-grams. The...
that's interesting. do you have some text samples for me to test it? How about we make the threshold (300) configurable, so that you could adapt it to your needs.
I've a adapted the develop branch: Does that work for you? I feel this repo needs some serious refactoring, most tools used are archived in the meantime :)
that's interesting. Actually the confidence for English, German and French for your snippets is quite high, which means, these languages share similarities and to distinguish them, you would need to...
Hi @uglyog I've attempted to implement the required helper method (your suggested option 2), which could be used by a Clojure test to run a test and write the json...