
Results 42 issues of chrismo

- README still says puts doesn't work. - Add reference to terminal-table gem.

this would be cool, now that `puts` support is solid for use in scripts that are outputting elsewhere. the original use case for this gem was in an interactive console.

This could be super-cool, maybe not easy to do?

If a relation of rows only selected some of the columns, when converting it to a Tablesmith table, the auto reload kicks in and then loads every column. No bueno...

`to_html` should prolly escape `` et al.

if there are any binary files in the repo that have been changed, it can't read these properly because the proper `rb` mode isn't set. ``` invalid byte sequence in...

1) Do a git mv on a file 2) Make changes to it 3) rubocop_lineup apparently doesn't catch this file and it's ignored.

- working in a branch - want to rebase the branch - git fetch - git rebase origin/master - branch is now up-to-date with origin/master, but local master hasn't been...

Some use cases will have rubocop_lineup as a requires in the config file ... but what if I want to bypass it in a one-off run at the command-line? Other...