If I'm understanding correctly, in order to pass an array of arguments, they have to be in quotes: ``` my_cmd 'foo bar quux' ``` Is there anyway for multiple items...
- [ ] Make sure all specs pass - [x] use target ruby is wrong in 2.3 - [ ] See if you can re-enable 1.9 and 1.10 support in...
`gem 'rubyzip', '~> 1.1', require: 'zip'` => `gem 'rubyzip', '~> 1.2' require: 'zip'` No comma after the requirement anymore. Whoops.
If I use bundler-patch in an automated process to keep me up-to-date on patched gems, I may not want to use a new gem version the day after it's released....
Is there an option for this with capture3?
Because otherwise it will install with executing Ruby, look successful, then CD into the dir and it may be broken because it can't find the gems. Possible once this is...
Perhaps should just kill off the -r / --ruby switch - or don't require it if --rubies is provided.
CVE-2016-4658 came out, saying >= 1.7.1 is patched, but this tool is only bumping 1.6.8 to