Is there any plans to support CRD applied on kubesphere console?
感谢对OKG社区的关注。以下是相关资料 - OKG官方中文文档(更具清晰简介的排版): - 云原生游戏相关的课程链接: 您也可以加入钉钉群 44862615 ,跟游戏行业及云原生领域的开发者们一同交流讨论。若以上资料无法解决您的问题,可以在issue回复相应疑惑,我们来补充更多更细致的文档。
When pod recreate, network plugin(Webhook) receive both DELETE and ADD Operation. However, old pod was still in the cluster, so ADD Operation will be failed, Webhook would not patch the...
I have a same problem. logto'log shows 401 when a user sign in: ``` GET /sign-in/consent 200 9ms 220b GET /api/.well-known/phrases 200 73ms 1.47kb GET /favicon.ico 200 2ms 220b POST...
@dzp-java Have you solved the problem?
> I've come across the same problem too > > I run [gin-example]( against `Traditional Web` application and it returns > > ``` > unexpected status code: 401, response body:...
> > 是可以的。GameServer只有处于opsState为WaitToBeDeleted的时候才会被缩容,其他情况下不允许缩容。这是OKG的自动伸缩机制。具体可以参考文档: > > 我参考 这篇文档,发现只是回收优先级不同,一样也会回收? 自动和手动是两种情况。自动是通过keda external scaler进行了副本数目的调整,只会缩WaitToBeDeleted的gs;而在手动调整副本数目的时候gss不会做强制地保护。使用自动伸缩可以满足您的需求。
Currently, the OKG Dashboard has implemented basic game server management functions based on [KubeSphere](, such as: - GameServer status statistics - GameServer status display - GameServerSet status display - Targeted...
What's the Kubernetes cluster version?