
Results 12 comments of Chris

Maybe something like this: ``` s = s.replace(/[^\w\s-$.+!'(),]/g, "").trim().toLowerCase(); ``` Based on the allowed URL characters:

If you're using the following to setup your graphql ``` srv := handler.NewDefaultServer(generated.NewExecutableSchema(generated.Config{Resolvers: resolvers})) ``` It adds the Websocket transport which uses a default Upgrader. The default upgrader uses SameOrigin....

I should have wrote back yesterday apologies. I've been pondering over this for a day now. Thinking about the correct design. I believe I'm going to tackle it a little...

I had to manually copy the `deps` folder into my vendor folder. Bug with `go mod`.

Any ETA for managing Facets?

I got the same issue with allOf too FYI.

For people reading along I found a work around. Structure of my project: - api.yaml - commands.yaml Command to generate: `swagger-cli bundle api.yaml --outfile _build/api.yaml --type yaml` I was having...

Any updates on this?

My apologies, it should have said CancellationToken. I believe CommandDefinition has support for a Cancellation Token.