Results 7 comments of Chris

I never managed to get time to look into it unfortunatley. I just removed the soundcard in the end.

Thanks for the reply. So, all I really want is to only do the Spotify app switch once. Then, when I reopen my app, it will connect in the background...

Right, but what about if Spotify is open, then I open my app. Can the session be renewed and not require the app switch?

Ah ok. So the method described [here]( will not work? Some users in #129 seem to have figured it out.

I'm also struggling with this. To test, I have taken the sample app SPTLoginSampleAppSwift. I have added functionality to save the access token and refresh token using UserDefaults. I then...

> I have same issue. @chriship have you got a solution? Honestly, I cannot remember. Sorry. I think I might have made some workaround with axios posts instead of inertia.

@ryanto Just wondering if any progress has been made on this? I'm also noticing my upoads not reporting their progress until fully uploaded.