Chris Halbert
Chris Halbert
Hi! I know this has gone stale a little, but I wanted to know if [v3]( is simply awaiting pull requests? I have an interest in this particular request:,...
Thanks for the response @mbjones. I may free up at the end of this week. If so, I can spend some time on code reviews and/or pull requests.
I'm interested in writing some tests if you'd like to assign it to me.
Thanks! I'll get started on that today.
@szuecs - I'm looking for clarification. At first, I thought the goal was to add test coverage via unit/integration tests. After reading the comment regarding dex from 2016, I started...
Hey @szuecs - would it be ok if I just add unit tests to fulfill this ticket?
Here is an example of what I think could be valuable:
While that's a clever way to make the specific case work, that won't _always_ be valid, and if its not always valid, it's invalid - think about a tautology from...
Today it is valid though. If the day comes that the repository is renamed/archived, yes, you will then be correct at that point in time. If you argued this question...
I think its ideal to tightly couple your documentation to your code and having this type of check would help ensure that. I think most engineers can admit that they...