Chris Duong

Results 18 comments of Chris Duong

I wish I could help but I'm busy at the moment. 😔

Hi, As the **README** said, you first need to activate it with the command 'crtl+cmd+x', then open 'Atom Package' setting and you will see it.

I don't have much experience in Python (I'm mostly Rubiest) , besides I'm quite busy during this quarter. :(

Yes, please reduce the loading time. Even though I love it, I have to disable it now 😢

MBP 2016. It is 117ms, still high. I wish it can only takes 1/3 of this.

Now, it double the loading time with version 7.3.3

I think @TomorooBoss was facing with the authentication to Gitlab. It is not the Git-Plus's issue. You need to make sure that you can authenticate to Gitlab with Git command...

Hi guys, If we move this code **execute 'Set locale and Create cluster'** before the line - **include_recipe 'postgresql::server_conf'** in the 'postgresql::server_debian', it would create the folder and it won't...

Hi, I think `node_cpu` has been renamed `node_cpu_seconds_total` to as of this