Chris Mills

Results 6 comments of Chris Mills

I realise there's been little response here but would you like help maintaining this @npryce? I would be happy to help directly rather than just openly fork it.

I'm happy to take this. I'll start on it tomorrow.

> @chriscoffee I suggest start with a small patch, fixing just a few things first. Don't try to fix all at once. Sure, I'll put in some smaller PRs. Thanks...

@Joshua-Rowe feel free to take this, apologies. I got some initial work done on it then got sidetracked with other things.

I've had to do the following: - Rather than using `with: fetch-depth: 0` it requires `git fetch --prune --unshallow` instead - Because I bumped the version of kind/helm/helm-actions etc I...

Reopened even though I am not Marwan! 👍