
Results 6 issues of Chris

hi, the jparallax effect seems to do nothing on official website. same with the demo-files in the actual master on github. other javascript on various sites works. i searched thrue...

(win 10, latest chrome) Just whant to let you guys know that the demo is broken. when entering a building screen turns black. console throws: `bundle.js:20626 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read...

hi pagination is out of the box bugged (it shows only prev page link etc) solution/fixed code inside: gatsby-node.js : ` const createPaginatedPages = ( createPage, edges, pathPrefix, context, )...

hey, i just like to let you guys know, that in the Layout component as outer wrapper is missing, so i was wondering why no dialog was showing, since...

hey, all my depenencies (prisma, nestjs,...) are at @latest , node is latest lts in my console: ``` root@a3b11efbd3a4:/api# npx prisma generate Environment variables loaded from prisma/.env Prisma schema loaded...