
Results 9 issues of chrisDK1977

I get the error: This .appinstaller file is using a new schema which is not valid on this OS version. Please update to the latest version of Windows 10. but...

Creating a msix is working but I cannot install it because of: _This app package is not signed with a trusted certificate. Contact your system administrator or the app developer...

Found out, this happens when the name of a sheet is too long. Would be great if the names are cut off if neccessary when the excel is created or...


Is it possible to get the current OneSignal-Token of an already registered user to use it for server side communication via the rest api of OneSignal and update it when...

Opening the glossary with GoRouter.of(context).go... the route is in the history twice and the root is missing -> [_PageBasedMaterialPageRoute(MaterialPage("/glossary", [], {}), animation: AnimationController#a26a7(⏭ 1.000; paused; for _PageBasedMaterialPageRoute(/))), _ PageBasedMaterialPageRoute(MaterialPage("/glossary", [],...

When the colour picker is opened, it always starts with the preselected "Wheel" option. I would like to open in the "Primary" view and preferably also hide all other options....


SvgPicture.asset(pathToAsset, colorFilter: ColorFilter.mode(Color(0xFFFF0000), BlendMode.srcIn)); ... tints the asset red on iOS 15 on Safari on mobile devices but not when mobile device is running on safari on iOS17.2 it does...

For me the editor is working but some friends have no text-input: (Web-App is online) ![image]( Any idea when/why this happens?


When using a TextInput and the html-editor-enhanced once the Textinput has got focus you cannot type anything in the HTML-editor anymore and the TextInput will always get the focus. When...
