Christopher Tarry
Christopher Tarry
I put ``` load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive") http_archive( name = "com_github_marpaia_alpaca_trade_api_cpp", strip_prefix = "alpaca-trade-api-cpp-master", urls = [""], ) load("@com_github_marpaia_alpaca_trade_api_cpp//bazel:deps.bzl", "alpaca_deps") alpaca_deps() ``` in my workspace file, attempted to build, and got this...
The [AudioContext]( API reveals information such as sample rate, number of audio inputs, number of audio outputs, and other channel information. I have seen scripts such as [Maxmind]( and [Augur](
Note: this all based on latest master branch. I used default configure options except I built with ASAN when fuzzing . Given that a basic HTTP server (which does not...