jing xin

Results 11 issues of jing xin

作者你好,首先非常感谢你对informer模型的工作。我目前需要通过multivariate时间序列来预测univariate时间序列,也即MS情况;但作者代码中是将multivariate时间序列最后一列作为预测目标,如exp_informer在209-210左右的内容。 ` f_dim = -1 if self.args.features == 'MS' else 0` `batch_y = batch_y[:, -self.args.pred_len:, f_dim:].to(self.device)` 而我需要解决的问题是,所需要预测的univariate时间序列并不能作为模型的输入,只能用于计算模型的损失函数,因此我比较困惑,在decoder模块应该输入什么数据?

I am currently studying the prediction of irregular time series and hope to improve the prediction accuracy of irregular time series by using decomposition algorithm. However, I find that vmdpy...


I have prepared the elevation data for the basin and the river polygon. However, when I run this code: ` domain.set_quantity('stage', expression='elevation + %f' % 3, polygon=river_polygon)` I encounter the...

Hello, I have run my code by using odeint successfully, however when I use the odeint_adjoint, it comes out the error: `RuntimeError: element 0 of tensors does not require grad...

Hello, I first built an LSTM using Flux.jl, and the prediction results were quite satisfactory. The LSTM written in Flux.jl and the training process are as follows: 1. build LSTM...


**Question❓** The parameters given in the problem I need to optimize are of type namedtuple, for example: `(model_1=(a=1.0, b=2.0), model_2=(a=2.0,b=3.0)`, The parameters given in the problem I need to optimize...


**Describe the bug 🐞** I used modelingtoolkit.jl to build an ODE problem, with variables including x (typeof(x) is vector) and z. When I directly construct and solve the problem, there...


I have a matrix that I want to fill with 0 values ​​using PaddedViews.jl: `f2 = x -> sum(PaddedView(eltype(x)(0.0), x, (5, 5)))` But when using zygote to calculate the gradient:...

**Describe the bug 🐞** Hello, I am using Zygote.jl to solve gradients with DataInterpolations.jl, but an error occurred. **Expected behavior** Expected to run successfully. **Minimal Reproducible Example 👇** ```julia #*...
