Maxime Picaud
Maxime Picaud
Same as #650 ?
For a quick solution you can use sfMelodyPlugin. It is OAuth Based so not only for Facebook but Twitter, Google.... You can also try to contribute to sfFacebookConnectPlugin by forking...
Hi, Did you inialize submodules and build model and db like said in the Readme ? Maxime
Hi all, The version on symfony website is very old and obsolete I think. Can you try with github versions ?
Not a lot of time now. But you can just clone the project and remove the".git", you've got the same result as using pear from symfony.
Hi, At the beginning, I wanted to add the possibility the specify a path linked to the user class in the config and never done it. I think your solution... You have to override in config for authorise url : oauth/authorize by oauth/authenticate. Maybe need some enhacement in the plugin to this particulare case.
Hi, You're right the plugin don't implements OpenId+Oauth, just OAuth. It's my personnal opinion but I think OpenId is note very necessary. Because with openid you have to take the...
Hi, For the problem authentification, You can check the new user creation system. I love it :) If you have some recommendations to improve it don't hesitate. @ribeiropaulor You're right...
Sorry for the wait ! You're right there is a problem with configuration. I'll try to fix that as soon as possible. Or feel free to contribute ;-)