
Results 16 comments of Henry

@danielweck Actually I did mean ODPS feed, but what you explained was useful anyway. That's why I'm thinking of moving the ODPS feed *off* the publication server, because it would...

actually I came up with a better way to do things: make the features that require a db and search indexing optional and expandable by using the publication server as...

This comes at a perfect time. I'm currently implementing such a system: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13407784/73811339-15822400-478e-11ea-9923-bcf3a729ab7d.png) Where it would be nice to fit that data in a webpub. Since I hadn't gotten to...

> Very interesting! Could we know a little more about your use case? If the publication is monolingual, why do you wish to allow multiple languages for metadata? In the...

@qnga what additional information would you like about my use case besides what I said previously? I can't think of much I didn't say

@qnga aha now it's clear. Would you like me to fork your fork and submit a PR or comment in your internal PR?

I recently started using this library, and am also interested in such a feature, for a different reason: My application is generating very large (500MB) PDFs on-the-fly as downloads. Instead...

@jung-kurt Oh it's not the PDF generation or your library that's at fault, it's just how my code happens to work. The PDFs contain high-resolution images. These images are downsized...

I get this as well, decompressing certain content with gzip. Version is 2.0.13. ``` E/flutter ( 8686): RangeError (index): Index out of range: index should be less than 280: 280...

I am having similar problems. Commented out all the lirideployment lines (even though that's probably not good), still getting `Unexpected item type 'LiriQmlPlugin'.` and `Dependency 'fluidcontrolsplugin' not found for product...