@agriyakhetarpal: Are you aware of this issue?
@agriyakhetarpal Thanks for the very fast reply :-). Seems like the dll is linked wrongly, as the folder C:\vcpkg does not exist on my computer. I have uninstalled casadi 3.6.4...
Getting the same error for all 24.1 versions.
@agriyakhetarpal I am a bit confused. I have found the file `libcasadi_interpolant_linear.dll` in `the site-packages/casadi` folder of the virtual environment. Note however the name, it is called libcasadi_ instead of...
Yes I was using the Dependencies software actually as I got some errors with Dependency Walker :-). I have added `site-packages/casadi` folder to the `PATH `and `CASADIPATH` which gave the...
@agriyakhetarpal I get the same error with [](url) these wheels.